The purpose of the Foundation is (1) to promote or advance the legal or the professional or the business education or training of (a) persons practising law or involved (or intending to practise law or be so involved) in the administration of law in Scotland or elsewhere in the United Kingdom whether as solicitors or advocates or in any other capacity and (b) persons studying or teaching law at universities or other institutions of higher education based in Scotland or anywhere else in the world
and (2) to promote good citizenship and civic responsibility and for that purpose to advance the active understanding of the law by the general public (including primary and secondary students at schools and other learning institutions in Scotland).
In carrying into effect the purposes of the Foundation, the Trustees shall be entitled to do or to make arrangements for the doing through others of all or any of the following things:-
(a) to award grants or scholarships to suitable persons to undertake courses of study in Scots Law or comparative legal systems or the law of the European Community or foreign languages or business management or undertake research into one or more aspects of Scots Law and/or its relationship with other legal systems or attend international student competitions and conferences;
(b) to commission and promote or sponsor the publication of books, journals, periodicals, pamphlets and magazines (whether in print or electronic form), audiovisual recordings and presentations, podcasts and other methods for the recording, dissemination and communication of information including the compilation of legal databases and information retrieval systems;
(c) to hold, sponsor or promote the holding of conferences, seminars, lectures, webinars, mock trials, role playing for events promoting legal education and practical demonstrations and to award grants to or defray the expenses of suitably qualified persons or organisations to assist them in attending, or participating in, holding or promoting such events;
(d) to provide facilities and equipment (including computers and other information technology hardware, software and peripheral equipment) for study and research including grants for the establishment and maintenance of libraries and study centres;
(e) to endow in whole or in part or provide grants for the maintenance of chairs or lectureships of law at Universities or other institutions of higher education in Scotland;
(f) to institute and endow prizes and awards for scholarship and academic achievement; and
(g) generally to undertake or to promote such activities as shall further the purposes of the Foundation.